Molecular Basis of Animal Evolution Laboratory- Caltech
Bi 160, 2 quarters (2019, 2022)
Symbiosis in the Environment - Oregon State University
Bi 358, 1 quarter (2015)
- Lecture class (~ 50 undergraduate students) on beneficial symbioses, or mutualistic relationships, in the environment. We covered a diverse range of symbiotic associations including photosynthetic, chemosynthetic, luminescent, nutritional and nitogen-fixation symbioses. I presented half the lectures, developed group activities, maintained course website, and wrote quizzes and test material.
Invertebrate Zoology- Oregon State University Z 362 Laboratory (2011-2014)
Human Anatomy and Physiology- Oregon State University
In all sections, I prepared and presented lectures, wrote quizzes and exams, and developed additional lab activities and study tools.
Bi 341, 5 quarters (2012-2015)
Bi 342, 3 quarters (2012-2014)
Bi 343, 2 quarter (2015)
Other Classroom Experience
- Guest Lecture in Coastal Biology, Penn State, 2017
- Data analysis for the Human Anatomy and Introductory Biology series, 2016
- Principles of Biology Laboratory 211 and 212, Oregon State University, 2010-2011
- Principles of Biology: Cell Laboratory 201, University of North Carolina Wilmington, 2008-2009
- Marine Quest: Ocean Lab, University of North Carolina Wilmington, 2007-2010